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Chazzan Zevi Muller

Chazzan Zev Müller was raised in a house of Rabbis and Chazzanim. His father, Rabbi Aron Müller, is the Emmeritus Rabbi of the Jewish community in Baden, Switzerland, and his uncle is Cantor Benjamin Müller of Antwerp, Belgium. Chazzan Zevi studied in the renowned Ponevezh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak, Israel, and in Beth Medrash Gavoha of Lakewood, New Jersey. Zevi received his BA in Cell Biology & Neuroscience summa cum laude from Rutgers University, and his PhD in Computational Neuroscience from Columbia University. He is currently a Postdoc researcher at the Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at Columbia University.

Chazzan Müller has studied Chazzanut and voice for many years with acclaimed cantors and opera singers, and has been leading high holiday services since the age of 18. He is a Spinto Tenor with a full range and with variations of color and dynamics. Despite his young age, Chazzan Müller is well regarded in the cantorial world and is often invited to perform at concerts, officiate Chuppot and Daven as a guest Chazzan around the world. In 2010, Chazzan Müller recited the Kel Moleh Rachamim prayer at the UN General Assembly in commemoration of the Holocaust. 

Chazzan Müller has been the cantor at WSIS since 2007 and has become an integral part of the shul and the community. Though well-versed in traditional Chazzanut, Chazzan Zevi has integrated more contemporary-styled music, which encourages participatory davening and singing. Chazzan Zevi has inspired many with his warm heartfelt services and attracts many locals and visitors to the synagogue. 

Besides his role as Chazzan, Zevi also lectures and gives Shiurim on Gemara, Jewish and Halachic topics for members of the Shul and the broader community. He also finds time to teach Chazzanut, Nusach and voice to adults and children. Zevi is married to Chaya, a Torontonian, who works as a surgical nurse at Lenox Hill Hospital. They live on the Upper West Side with their daughter Adina and their sons Avi & Rafi.

To contact Chazzan Zevi, email him at:

Listen here to Unsane Tokef sung by Chazzan Zevi and his brother Cantor Moshe Muller.

Click here to view youtube clips from Chazzan Zevi

Here are several recordings of Yom Kippur night Piyutim.

Mon, February 17 2025 19 Shevat 5785
West Side Institutional Synagogue • 120 West 76th Street • New York, NY 10023
Tel: 212-877-7652 • Fax: 212-877-9333 • Email: